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The Church of All Saints’ Adstone
Annual Report of the PCC for the year ended 31st December 2006

Administrative Information

The Parish of Adstone is part of the Lambfold Benefice (comprising the villages of Blakesley, Adstone Maidford Farthingstone and Litchborough), which is in the Towcester Deanery, and its parsonage house is in Blakesley.

The PCC is a charity exempted from registration with the Charity Commission.

PCC members who have served from 24th April 2006 until the date of this Report was approved are:

Priest-in-Charge The Revd John Hall (Chairman)

Wardens Mr Richard Horsley
Mr David Stoddart

Elected Members Mrs Win Castle
Mrs Joanna Forster
Mrs Isobel Fountain
Mrs Elisabeth Paton
Mrs Jane Stoddart (Secretary and Electoral Roll)
Mrs Marie Wright

Ex officio Members Mr Simon Forster (Reader and Vice Chairman)

Treasurer Mrs Joanna Forster

Independent Examiner Mr Peter Godfrey FCA

Structure, Governance and Management

The method of appointment of PCC members is set out in the Church Representation rules. All church attendees are encouraged to register on the electoral roll and to stand for election to the PCC.

Objectives and Activities

The PCC has a responsibility of co-operating with the Priest-in-Charge, the Revd John Hall, in promoting the whole mission of the Church in the ecclesiastical parish. It also has maintenance responsibilities for the Church and churchyard as a house of prayer and centre of mission.

Achievements and Performance

Church Attendance

There are 22 parishioners on the church electoral roll. The average weekly attendance was 7.5 adults, but this number increased at the major festivals with 50 people attending for services on Christmas Day and 30 people attending services on Easter Day. There was 1 baptism during the year.

Review of the Year

The full PCC met four times during the year. The main issues to be noted this year were:

Fabric of Building
The quinquennial report of the fabric of the church having been carried out by the Church’s architect, Mr Bruce Deacon in November 2005 was received by the PCC. Although there were no major problems discovered, there was a number of ‘minor’ issues discovered, most notably concerning rainwater goods. This minor restorative work was carried out and full architect’s specification and estimate was received for remaining items.

Future of the parish
Concern has been expressed about the viability of the small size of the parish and its dependence upon aging congregation. Informal discussions have taken place with the archdeacon concerning what options may be considered and a time of reflection and prayer about the future of the parish is called for.

Communion by extension
Throughout the year the PCC has been considering the nature of the Holy Communion and its relationship to the possible use of the service of Communion by extension at times of pastoral emergency.

Pastoral reorganisation
From 1st January, 2006, the parish began to work alongside our existing benefice members and the parish of Litchborough as if we were a new benefice. This has included a complete review of our service times and our PCC organisation. It also allowed us the opportunity to employ a part-time administrative assistant to assist our Priest-in-Charge. The opportunity was taken to create a new name for the benefice of Lambfold. The draft pastoral order is at present in the hands of the Church Commissioners awaiting final confirmation.

Benefice Choir
A new junior choir was created in November with great success. The total number of people in the Lambfold choir is now 30.

Financial Review

Unfortunately family illness has delayed the production of a fully audited set of accounts, however it should be noted that the end of year capital balance of £9354.28. This marks a small increase of £355 in the year.

All liabilities for the year were met in full, most notably the parish share of £4208; fabric repairs of £2079.99 and an architects fee of £796.01.

Despite the excess of income over expenditure this year, the parish finances are in a ‘fragile’ state, not least because of future developments within the parish. The importance of planned giving and a fundraising target of at least £500 per annum is desperately important to the parish’s future.

Reserves Policy
It is the PCC policy to maintain a minimum balance of £6000 on unrestricted funds, to cover normal future expenses and immediate fabric necessities.

It is the policy of the PCC to invest our capital funds with National Savings and the Peterborough Diocese Board of Finance.